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1) En la parte superior derecha de la ventana de Chrome, haga clic en los tres puntos verticales.
2) Elija “Traducir…”
3) En la pequeña ventana que aparece, haga clic en los tres puntos verticales y haga clic en “Elegir otro idioma”.
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5) Finalmente, haga clic en “Traducir”.
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4) Elija un idioma para una aplicación: haga clic en el botón Agregar, elija una aplicación y un idioma en los menús emergentes y luego haga clic en Agregar.
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2) Haga clic en “Configuración”.
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1) En la parte superior derecha de la ventana Edge, haga clic en los tres puntos verticales.
2) Haga clic en “Configuración”.
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4) En el cuadro “Agregar idiomas”, elija el idioma al que desea traducir el formulario.
5) Haga clic en “Agregar”.
Please fill out forms completely. The Housing Partnership asks demographic questions in order to be compliant with grant funders and reporting requirements. Answering the forms completely helps us help you and we thank-you in advance for your assistance in completing the forms.
An Interested Parties List is a list of names of households wishing to purchase affordable housing in the municipalities administered by the Housing Partnership. Everyone on the list is notified of available units and given the opportunity to enter a lottery for the home should they desire.
Complete the Interested Party Application. For other affordable housing, not administered by the Housing Partnership, visit or contact the municipality directly for instructions.
There is no way of determining how long you will wait for a home. Since most are re-sales, there is no way of knowing when someone will decide to sell their home, nor can we determine where you will place in the lottery for the home.
Yes. Every affordable homes requires that you have 5% of the purchase price as a down payment, closing costs and have funds available for closing costs.
Homes are generally anywhere from 600 square feet up to 1,200 square feet depending on the number of bedrooms. Typically, these homes do NOT have garages and most are condos and/or townhouses.
Yes, you can get one additional bedroom than your household needs however priority will always be given to a household who requires two bedrooms.
Carol Mugele
Affordable Homeownership Executive Administrator
Sherina Caban
Affordable Homeownership Project Manager